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前一天和Tuk Tuk司機約好了一早要去Angkor Wat(吳哥窟)。Angkor wat離市區Siem reap不遠,坐上Tuktuk很快便到了Angkor wat的入口售票亭。我們買了70美元的三日票。吳哥窟是個龐大的區域,大

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24.06 2010這一天一早下了船,走路進墨爾本市區,背著我所有的行李(十分地笨重),跑了2家銀行,但想辦的事一件也沒辦成。坐上了機場線Bus到達墨爾本機場,check in然後發了幾封簡訊和一些澳洲的朋友道別,隨即便上了飛機。飛行時間大約8小時,我睡睡醒醒,不論怎麼等待,但吉隆坡就是我離很遠。

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昨天知道New Zealand的Working holiday visa申請失敗,接下來的目標確定到Cambodia的Angkor Wat,然後經由 Vietnam進入China(目前仍未知可行否。)

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On these two days working, I started to miss the trip with Olivai in this year. The times in Au in first year was far away from me, Even everythings happened are still in my mind.

In second year in Au, I past through more cities and countries. Every scenery, every streets and everything happened are flowed into my mind. I missed walked on the Perth's street with Olivia; the relaxing day in Coral Bay; keep driving on the hot day; met the boss of chinese restaurant in Broome; followed camels and see sunste on the Cable beach. I didn't have money but still keep going forward, because I wanna travelling with her. We have to buy water in Kimberley, sleeping outside city, stayed in the hot city, Darwin, climbing on the top of Ulrulu and stayed in the cities- Adelaide, Melbourne, Tasmania, Sydney and Cairns.

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